Ten years of Soufriere Hills Volcano research (November 19, 2010) -- The Soufriere Hills Volcano on Montserrat erupted in 1995, and researchers have studied this volcano from land and sea since then to understand the workings of andesite volcanoes more completely. ... > full story
Enigma of missing stars in local group of galaxies may be solved (November 19, 2010) -- In the local group of galaxies that includes the Andromeda Nebula and our Milky Way, there are about 100 billion stars. According to astronomers' calculations, there should be many more. Now, physicists may have found an explanation for this discrepancy. ... > full story
Spacecraft flew through 'snowstorm' on encounter with comet Hartley 2 (November 19, 2010) -- On its recent trip by comet Hartley 2, the Deep Impact spacecraft took the first pictures of, and flew through, a storm of fluffy particles of water ice being spewed out by carbon dioxide jets coming from the rough ends of the comet. The resulting images and data shed new light on the nature and composition of comets. ... > full story
Pushing black-hole mergers to the extreme: Scientists achieve 100:1 mass ratio in simulation (November 19, 2010) -- Scientists have simulated, for the first time, the merger of two black holes of vastly different sizes, with one mass 100 times larger than the other. This extreme mass ratio of 100:1 breaks a barrier in the fields of numerical relativity and gravitational wave astronomy. ... > full story
New breed of space vehicle: Researchers developing conceptual design for a Mars 'hopper' (November 18, 2010) -- Scientists and engineers in the UK are developing a conceptual motor design for a Mars 'hopping' vehicle which should lead to a greater understanding of the Red Planet. ... > full story
Planet from another galaxy discovered: Galactic cannibalism brings an exoplanet of extragalactic origin within astronomers' reach (November 18, 2010) -- An exoplanet orbiting a star that entered our Milky Way from another galaxy has been detected by a European team of astronomers using the MPG/ESO 2.2-meter telescope at ESO's La Silla Observatory in Chile. The Jupiter-like planet is particularly unusual, as it is orbiting a star nearing the end of its life and could be about to be engulfed by it, giving tantalizing clues about the fate of our own planetary system in the distant future. ... > full story
Imaging tool may aid nanoelectronics by screening tiny tubes (November 17, 2010) -- Researchers have demonstrated a new imaging tool for rapidly screening structures called single-wall carbon nanotubes, possibly hastening their use in creating a new class of computers and electronics that are faster and consume less power than today's. ... > full story
Astronomers discover merging star systems that might explode (November 16, 2010) -- Sometimes when you're looking for one thing, you find something completely different and unexpected. In the scientific endeavor, such serendipity can lead to new discoveries. Today, researchers who found the first hypervelocity stars escaping the Milky Way announced that their search also turned up a dozen double-star systems. Half of those are merging and might explode as supernovae in the astronomically near future. ... > full story
NASA's Chandra finds youngest nearby black hole (November 15, 2010) -- Astronomers using NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory have found evidence of the youngest black hole known to exist in our cosmic neighborhood. The 30-year-old black hole provides a unique opportunity to watch this type of object develop from infancy. ... > full story
its awesome man!!!!!!!